Call for Proposals

Extended deadline was on December 20th.
Notification of acceptance will occur January 19th.

Conference Theme:
Flourishing Together: Embracing Urgency & Grounding in Community

Strand 1: Flourishing Together
Strand 2: Embracing Urgency
Strand 3: Enhancing Culturally Inclusive Practices
Strand 4: Grounding in Community

  • We invite all proposals on holistic teaching and learning.
  • We offer different categories of presentations (see below).
  • We encourage interactive and participatory.
  • We also encourage a variety of presenters including undergraduate and graduate students, classroom teachers, administrators, and other leaders.
  • We wish to expand our Holistic Teaching & Learning community- by inviting proposals which affirm and cultivate perspectives of diverse races, ethnicities, and identities, and promote culturally responsive, sustaining, and transformative practices.

Presentation Categories

(Please note: The program committee will assign session formats based on overall scheduling parameters.)


Poster, provide an opportunity to showcase your work with casual poster and Q&A.

Round Table

Roundtable, presentations will be scheduled for 30 minutes and would be appropriate for topics in a presentational or conversational format.


Experiential/Interactive, sessions will be scheduled for 50 – 60 minutes and are intended to feature activities, demonstrations, and other forms of engagement.