Founded by Andrea Laubstein

Education and Being offer Holistic Education Discussions!

Join the enliving one-hour discussions on holistic education, engaging participants with topics that vary session to session, from holistic learning experiences to the value of gestures and embodied learning. Participants may join from far and wide around the world. Meet and get to know holistic educators (or educators-in-training) who are interested in deepening our own inquiries into learning and teaching. These bi-weekly one-hour FREE zoom discussions are hosted by Andrea Laubstein and Camden Vancil.

Upcoming Holistic Education Discussion

Monday, March 20th, 4:30 p.m. Nick Oredson will be facilitating a discussion about “Social Emotional Learning as a Way of Life”. Nick hopes to help us explore how powerful it can be to think of SEL as a way of being rather than a curriculum that is directly taught to students. 

Past Holistic Education Discussions:


Andrea Laubstein:

Camden Vancil: